The SYCSD Band Boosters is comprised of parents, students, alumni, and any persons who are interested in helping to improve and support the band programs. When your child becomes a member of the Band Program, you automatically become a member of the Band Booster Organization. The Band Boosters provides volunteer labor, supports our instructors, provides funding for the band program & promotes the program within the school and community. There are plenty of opportunities to become an active, integral member of the team by becoming a volunteer, serving as an officer, or leading/joining a committee.
Booster meetings are the best time to learn about what is going on and to take part in the planning, discussion, and decisions of the organization. The Band Boosters meet on the second Monday of each month at 7:30 PM in the Susquehannock High School band room.
Kris Cysyk
Gevene Harden
VP of Ways
Mary Pohlig
VP of Means
Jen Kuhns
Tony Warner